
Listed below are my publications in reversed chronological order.


    SoK: What Makes Private Learning Unfair?
    Kai Yao, and Marc Juarez
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML’25), 2025


  1. JCS
    CTRL–a label-free artificial intelligence method for dynamic measurement of single-cell volume
    Kai Yao, Nash D Rochman, and Sean X Sun
    Journal of Cell Science, 2020
  2. BioProtocol
    Single cell volume measurement utilizing the fluorescence exclusion method (FXm)
    Nash D Rochman, Kai Yao, Nicolas A Perez Gonzalez, and 2 more authors
    Bio-protocol, 2020


  1. SciRep
    Cell type classification and unsupervised morphological phenotyping from low-resolution images using deep learning
    Kai Yao, Nash D Rochman, and Sean X Sun
    Scientific Reports, 2019
  2. JCB
    YAP and TAZ regulate cell volume
    Nicolas A Perez-Gonzalez, Nash D Rochman, Kai Yao, and 8 more authors
    Journal of Cell Biology, 2019


  1. BMEOL
    Phantom-based experimental validation of fast virtual deployment of self-expandable stents for cerebral aneurysms
    Qianqian Zhang, Zhuangyuan Meng, Ying Zhang, and 8 more authors
    BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2016